Inter's scudetto

As a Milan fan it's always difficult to see Inter win, because the rivalry between the two teams is one of tradition, anger and always the one to be on top. Over the past few years Milan have always been the "owners" of the magical city of Milano, however, this season it wasn't to be.

Inter managed to get 17 consecutive wins in Serie A, beating a record throughout Europe out of the 4 top leagues. And so far they have only managed to suffer one loss in Serie A. They also concurred Milano in their own way by winning both derby's, a painful defeat to any Milanista. But if that wasn't enough, Milan fans today managed to see their cross city rivals win their 15th scudetto.

Today wasn't all that hard for us to accept Inter winning as we knew their fate for a long time. But there is always a feeling of jealousy and rivalry. However, credit where credit is due Inter went out and made smart buys, scooping up on Juventus's calciopoli verdict and buying players from Juve. Such as Ibrahimovic and Viera, who played immense roles in Inter's revival. They went on to break records that will stand for years. Mancini managed to change Inter's attitude in a way that saw them want to win, and not score one goal and close up. They had a great ethic of team work too. And all these ingredients added up to the scudetto. Well Done Inter! The most any Milan fan can say to their most hated rivals.

This season, the tricolor badge will be sown onto Milan's cross city rivals, and the San Siro will be painted in the nerazzurri's colours. But we can't help but think that maybe next season, there will be real competition, with Juve back in Serie A and no calciopoli deductions. Who knows?

Until then, enjoy the celebrations Inter. After all 18 years is a long time to wait for your next scudetto triumph!

"Viva la dolce Vita"


turquoisefthr said…
I agree with you. Inter has done a nice job in this season. But serie A this year isnt really serie A, with Juve in B and Milan, Lazio, Forientina have point deductions.

oh, did you see after winning the scudetto, Matrix calling himself a "decider", and Ibra claiming "winning is my friend." *shakes head*
Milanista said…
Thanks for the comment! Yeah it is tough, beign a milan fan to accpet it but we must face reality and live with it. It was Inter's to loose. But they didn't.But next year we can't help but think that there will be more competition from the likes of Juve, Milan, Fiorentina, Lazio etc.

Yeah, i read about it. The one thing that get's to me is teh arrogance of some of the players (not only in inter)But what Ibra saud is not entirly true, yes he had a greta season at Inter but with all due respect I don't think he is "the luky charm" when it comes to football. It's a team effort.

Typical materazzi comment, and yes he did get a penalty to win, but still. Who knows, If crespo had been on maybe he could have scored some other time.

Until next season....

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