You got to Love Milan! What do you love about your team?

Ok, following a disappionting result against Parma this evening, I am still in love with this team more than ever; and no, it has nothing to do with the way they have been playing because, if it was, I would have passed over to the evil side of Milan and become an Interista.

I love this team because of the way they are and how they respect their players. The Milan Family has become more united than ever this past week for the sake of Ronaldo and his tragic injury. Now, you all know I am not a fan of Ronie but this injury was terrible and I never wished for such a terrible injury to happen to him.

Milan have been fantastic in showing him how much they care for him, and how they are standing by him no matter what. They have brought up a special feature on their website allowing fans to write in and wish him the best of luck. This is great and all but think it might have distracted them from their performances at late, but hopefully they will win for him in London.

The rossoneri directors could have easily terminated his contract and left him on his own but no, they stuck with him just as they have struck with Maldini over the years. Did you know that Maldini played his 1000th Milan game against Parma this evening? A triumph that few can say they have reached.

Milan have done everything to allow Maldini and Billy to stay on for as long as they wished, in no other you will see 40 and 39-year-olds running around and diving into sliding tackles for 90 minutes but Milan.

The faith they have in all the players is great to see and it makes me proud to be a Milanista. The players appreciate the Milan structure and they wear their shirts with pride, just as us Milanisti are proud to say we support the rossonero side of Milano.

Off field, Milan have played the perfect game, now it's time to get it 100% right on field! FORZA MILAN!!

Let me know what other things attract you to your team....


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