Maldini stays for another year
Yes it's true, Maldini has decided to stay on with Milan for anot
her year. The decision to stay came after a meeting was held with Galliani yesterday afternoon.

Maldini, who will turn 40 on 26 June, said it wasn't an easy decision to extend but his passion to see Milan succeed is as strong as ever. As long as his legs can continue running and defensive awareness is as quick as ever Milan fans are certainly happy with his extension.
To able to see Maldini wear the shirt for another season is a fantastic feat and although he won't feature in the Champions League it great that he will be able to lead Milan through the UEFA Cup and for the scudetto race.
As a fan I am still at awe by how Maldini can continue to play at his age but this is what he is; passion, determination, strength, love for his club and football. It certainly is a wonderful surprise.
Grazie Paolino!!